Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pap Perfect Plastic Spatula

It is definately a Pap Perfect plastic spatula type of day!!

This is what I know today

1.I woke up with cheeto-s in my bed again this morning,,,,I need to lay off the ambien. I better lay off the Ambien for a while.

2. Stouffers frozen foods have a new gimmick---Preservative free frozen meals! I will miss the Beef tips with glazed carrots on a bed of rice pilaf, with the stenciled charco grilled marks and the grey pasty meat taste... I am used to that chemical taste....

3. Wal marts are getting a make-over! Wal-Mart is going gourmet. Isnt this an oxymoron?

4. There is no such thing as an ingrown hair--it is actually called "folliculitis"

T-shirt slogan for the day: "You're a tool and a DOUCHEBAG"
We need to thank TOP CHEF for that new lexicon in POP culure!

Chicks with Sticks!!


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