Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Thursday, April 13, 2006

the things i learned on CSI

Sparklepussy barbie was in town last weekend..This really got me thinking. I wonder what her accesories are and what are the names of her friends. I mean is there a ken in involved- cause i really really need to see what he looks like. Is it kelly or the twins tiff and fluff! I can only imagine what fluff and sparlkepussy barbie do in their free time. The defining factor is that i need to know what era are they from? Malibu, the disco phase, the family kids or even better the new era of adults. What does that mean Barbie has a new era adult playmates? Are they now housed at hef's mansion.?
And this is for you ALAN...Dj Douchebag was in town over the weekend to promote female pudding wrestling! KNow inquiring minds like me need to know if was chocolate or vanilla and why cant they have guy pudding wresting...cause you know i am all about the snackbox pudding!! ANd where was TOOL" We could be a great team DOuchbag and Tool! gotta love that.... I will talk later after my twin on my arm get excised. I am out. julie


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