Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Will work for MILES

I have decided to work for MILES. I need to go on a VACATION...Not like everyday is a vacation for me, but really I need to be FAR FAR FAR AWAY. I go to bed everyone's saying "I do believe I do believe". Just look at those rolling waves, don't you just feel the water rushing all around your feet, causing your feet to be buried on the sand? Unless of course you are in Waikiki and then you are yelling "fuck a rock,, Now I am fucking shark bait, due to the loss of blood" Or after the wound stops bleeding and you have applied pressure with your "Special Xtra Large Hawaiian Gimmick Beach Towel" the smell of almonds drifts through the air . Which leads hunger pains... but wait that GANGRENE smell is coming from your foot , the one that smashed on the coral, the one that almost got eaten by a huge JAWS of a shark. Think Julie think Julie...All of those medical classes is this a sign or symptom? ALMONDS=GANGRENE. So for everyone out there IF IT SMELLS LIKE ALMONDS IT IS PROBABLY GANGRENE AND YOU MAY LOOSE THE LIMB~!

I miss the smell of Hawaii, (not almonds people) but the smell of the air, the sea salt, the hibiscus, orchids all mixes together to make the sweetness in the air!.

I want to sleep like tag team midgets and get my toe stuck in Alan's hole again. I cant even tell you how much I enjoyed that. We need to get together as one again, without all the daily doldrum stuff getting in the way. To be on our own time zone, the only worry is which beach we are going to watch the sunset and when our next BRONX bomber pizza will be?! WOW!

NO one knows your name and who cares cause you are in frickin' Hawaii... Phrases such as MARK and Marge just don't mean the same in the Mainland nor does when in doubt Waikiki. I have found myself stopping mid sentence when introducing myself... I would like to say ALOHA, my name is IULI... But I find that people tend to just walk away far far far away from me and never to be seen or talked to again. Thank gawd I have a handful of friends that understand me...Handful meaning about 5 and I am really exaggerating that one! Oh well...They mean a lot to me!

On to other things......My ex boyfriend-the one that dines at Boston market and took a date to the cheesecake factory--yeah that date wasn't me! The Ex got to second base with me. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. I rehearsed this important moment so many times in my dreams and this was how it was? It so wasn't PRETTY!!

I keep re-thinking the moment in my brain and keep telling myself at least I had pretty bra on! _---that is the only thing keeping me going at this point. We will see how the rest of the week goes. Aloha for NOW.

I've got soul but I am not a soldier!!!


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