Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yes the title of this blog is YOU DON'T EVER DO ANYTHING FOR ME AND THAT IS WHY I DRINK! Huh.....Well due to my great enabling characteristics I am dealing with an alcoholic brother. Who has not been to counseling...Even though me and the rest of the family are already on our 2nd rounds of therapy sessions. My answer to that is YOU ARE right I never do anything for you, I only bail you out of jail days at my qvc testimonial line job, call in for you when you are in jail, I drive you to work, I take you for long extended weekends 2 hours away so you can party with your cousins, I have taken you to get new work clothes, I have tack to go get drive thru when you are hungry, I have filled rxd's for you and I have taken you to the dr.s office when you are sick. So keep saying to yourself That I don't do anything for you. Keep it up keep it up. That is all I can say. I will no longer enable you, persecute you or become the family martyr. You just keep going Ryan and everything around is changing but you. Tell yourself those lies and think what ever you want. But I will no longer be held responsible for you!
Did you ever think to yourself that if you changed, got the help you need, maybe people would be more apt to do things for you. If I got a thank you once in awhile, things would be different. But you just take take take. Well I am taking it all back sonny boy. You are on your own and I will do nothing for you if that's what you think! And on that note I am out