Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Friday, June 09, 2006


Once again, I wake up sick! How does this happen? I went to bed feeling fine, I wake up and I am sick. I am all swollen, my ears,nose and throat hurts. ANd yes I go to Mcdreamy---I have nothing better to do in my life. If i had to pay co-pays I would have to seriously take out a loan. That 15.00 dr. visit would be killing me! And guess what I have sinusitis and an ear infection~really? I need TUBES, where's my tube jockey when I need one. I told Mcdreamy I need tubes, and you know what he said "that may not be a bad idea" Are you kidding me? Tubes at my age? My week of health so far to this date: Just want to remind you people this is just this week!--I have had a colonoscopy ( I decided against putting those pictures on today) I had two polyps removed- they are non cancerous-and I am not going to even tell you all what else they found. I feel like I may need to keep some things to myself. I had an adjustment-mcdreamy adjusted my back! Ahh that was a great moment! And now this earache and sinus thing. I got a big ol' shot in the ass! Let me tell you it has been all about the ass this week! YUP, the ass has called the shots this week...I really have no dignity left whatsoever...none, nada, zip
ANd i have to quit smoking...really as a take a drag, cough up something crunchy, there will be no more smoking! PAU!
lets move to a lighter note, I went and saw Bombay Dreams the musical last night, free tickets from my bff-who is awesome I must say. Boom chaka laka boom, it was OK, the music was good, but ya know It just wasnt the best, but i had a good time. I would give 3 stars and that is generous!
Ohhh I special shout out to the smackbox counter...the smackbox king left me a present the other day and I love it, I heart smackbox! Huh' I am just wondering what i have reward him with . I know there is an ulterior motive there...I just dont know what it could be....
ok well, i am going to find something to do and I will write more next week! I need to do the full tv lineup at some point this week. But i am out for now, snackbox!


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