Going 90 miles an hour on Lover's Lane

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pap Perfect Plastic Spatula

It is definately a Pap Perfect plastic spatula type of day!!

This is what I know today

1.I woke up with cheeto-s in my bed again this morning,,,,I need to lay off the ambien. I better lay off the Ambien for a while.

2. Stouffers frozen foods have a new gimmick---Preservative free frozen meals! I will miss the Beef tips with glazed carrots on a bed of rice pilaf, with the stenciled charco grilled marks and the grey pasty meat taste... I am used to that chemical taste....

3. Wal marts are getting a make-over! Wal-Mart is going gourmet. Isnt this an oxymoron?

4. There is no such thing as an ingrown hair--it is actually called "folliculitis"

T-shirt slogan for the day: "You're a tool and a DOUCHEBAG"
We need to thank TOP CHEF for that new lexicon in POP culure!

Chicks with Sticks!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

All white meat in the US only?!

Here is another highlight of my humdrum life..

I am housesitting/dog sitting for the next 5 days! In case there are inquiring minds out there...here is whats going on:

I sat on someone else's couch all day yesterday eating cheeto-s, vanilla creme zingers, and sipping on cough syrup with a 7up chaser! This is my life, I really should have my own reality show! This is my life, i am ok with it...ha ha! While my friends are in Italy, i am here catching up with my new friend DVR. Yes, Dvr's are the greatest friends in the world, they save all the important television shows for you and the most important thing is they dont JUDGE, yes there is no judgement with the DVR. i think i really should stop now.....SNACKBOX!
This is what I know1!

1. sprint sucks....my cell phone goes into roam in my own house! and i cant even get the new project runway ring tone on my phone--due to it is old-yeah like 6 months old!

2. The title of this blog is from a taco bell commercial. At the end of the commercial in fine print at the bottom of the screen, "all white meat in the US only" this is for their new chicken caesar salad wrap. I have to seriously think about that one for a moment...I have two questions....Why white meat in the US and why would anyone eat a ck caesar burrito taco bell? In other countries will they be using dark meat? or better yet, in other countries is it really chicken? I need this question answered!!!! So if anyone is leaving the country, please eat at taco bell and tell me what kind of meat they had in their burrito!!! Note to self, when friends call from italy, tell them to stop eating italian food, stop looking at the DAVID and take a taxi to the nearest taco bell!!
3. I have decided on two new career choices: I would like to name street signs in suburbia and in my free time I would like to give testimonials on HSN or QVC! I think I am quite qualified for both of these careers! I dont have full schedule this week, i may need to google these career choices on monster jobs!

4. Reality TV--my quote of the week " I'm not insulted by a bunch of 10 year olds who hated my applesauce!" A great line from bravo's new hit, TOP CHEF! ohh this is going to be so good and I am hooked already. I need this 24 hours a day..they are going to start turning on each other any day now. THe other great line which i am soo going to start using is " you are a tool and a douchebag" Now that is television at its finest!

5. medical condition term for the day is:::
acroparesthesia: a condition of burning, tingling, or pricking sensations or numbness in the extremities present on awaking and of unknown cause or produced by compression of nerves during sleep. HUH--i am pretty sure i have this...i think i have the signs and symptoms of this.

and remember bacon does not equal love!!!

gotta go walk the dog

where's andre?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

whats in a name

Ok... since my last blog..a few moments ago. I thought to myself...Some people may not understand my name...snackbox! it's not what you think!
I saw a sign at Long John Silver's the other day "Lobster butter bites snack box $2.99!"

I had to ponder many o' things when I read the sign! 1. i am not sure what part of the lobster that came from? or if the lobsters came from new orleans--can we say TOXIC? and how would they taste! I am confident that my palette nor my stomach would enjoy 2.99 lobster, also who would want a lobster snack box? And from there I went with the new lexicon "snackbox" The word can be used randomly...in moments of uncomfortable silence..just yell SNACKBOX. Now, that will really get the party started.

Carry on.....

These are the things I know....

What do I know today?

1.For starters...I broke up with my pseudo boyfriend again...due to he likes Boston Market and craves pot roast from the black eyed pea! This is a red flag, I am telling you. I am just a single girl looking for love.. I am not picky or anything, but Boston Market? I can cook you a better pot roast ...rather than eating it out of a styrofoam container.

what else do I know?

2. xanax is a palindrome

3. I am still having issues about VH1's pop culture of trivia. OK, i am not a sore loser....but when i walked into that room..I thought "I"M OUT". Just wasnt my gig, ya know. Really, who would know these things...I may know alot...but i didnt know those things! I am filled with useless information, but yet I do have a life, well sort of. Depends on how you define life.

I guess i will write more amazing things at another time...........